Segment manipulators

A further Albatros company development is the so-called continuous caster segment manipulator. The design of this system was completed in cooperation with our client, Siemens VAI, and is matched to the individual requirements of each new plant.  
The task of the segment manipulator is to lift the various segments of the casting bow out of the machine for maintenance and repairs and then to reinstall them.

This special Albatros company development is used where there is a lack of hall space and the lifting heights of the hall cranes are limited. With our design, it is possible to bring all segments into position in spite of a limited total length. The core element of our segment manipulators is a two-rope winch, which apart from  the hall crane ensures the appropriate lifting height. The individual crane tackle and segment installation can be planned and completed in line with requirements.   

Our manipulators fulfil (and exceed) all safety requirements, which are regulated clearly by standards. Accordingly, overspeed shutdown, multiple end position shut-down and naturally doubly secured brake systems, all number among our standard features. No false economies are made in this connection.

Together with its partners, Albatros supplies complete systems and undertakes planning, dimensioning, component sourcing, pre-assembly, assembly and start-up. We cooperate with long-term partners in the areas of production, static calculations and control technology.

Our strengths in these areas also reside in individual planning and we can thus respond to various requirements relating to complex continuous casters and complete the work to the complete satisfaction of the customer.  

Segment manipulator on the test stand
Segment manipulator on the test stand
Segment manipulator in operation
Segment manipulator in operation